Thetahealing® you and the creator

Price: 2,450.00د.إ

In this lifetime, we’re supposed to achieve numerous levels of love; love of ourselves; love of the Creator; love of a significant other; what it means to really love your family; how to love your friends; and what it means to love the world. We need to be able to master these, but how can we do so if the programs we’re already carrying with us by us say that it is impossible?

Our next relationship seminar is You and the Creator where we show and teach the students to understand the undercurrent of their own subconscious mind. We’ll be studying how their bodies actually work at solving problems, and how they can tell the difference between communicating with the energy of the Creator and communicating with their ego, or with their higher self.

Remember that the Creator is an energy of perfect and pure love. It is a knowing love, and it will change your life if you allow it to do so. This energy — this life force — is in every atom, making it a part of you as well as a part of everything around you. We’ll learn the difference by practicing discerning, and you’ll learn how to work and reroute your subconscious to work for you.

This is an important concept, because every time I teach a seminar someone always asks: How do I know if the answer is from the Creator?

This seminar will teach you how to direct your mind to understand exactly that question.

This seminar is available for Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper Practitioners and may be taken with the You and Your Significant Other: Growing Your Relationships 1 or by itself.

Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper


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